About Us
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- 100 % honest in marriage registration. Office is at Kodungallur, Thrissur District.
- vivahitha.com is a self service website.
- If anybody wish to get contact details, pay and get Password from Office to call them directly. If selected, no service charge or commission to Office. Save your money.
- Use 'OPEN Profile' to show your Full details or to communicate with OPEN Parties. No Commisiion.
- Office will provide service if needed. this is through Agents only and payable.
- To know more, call us or pl. visit Office at Chanthappura, Kodungallur
- Thank you very much for visiting vivahitha.com
No. 1 Reliable Matrimony website available in Kerala, trustful, customer friendly,
matching selection in simple submission. Register with PHOTO, Enjoy selection, Good luck